Introducing Virtual Vise Sessions!

Fly Tying in the Cloud

We're excited to introduce our new "Virtual Vise" series of online streaming fly tying classes, events, seminars and tying jam sessions through our Youtube channel! This will be a great way to see, learn and interact with us and your fellow fly tying nuts from all over the world. We'll feature tying seminars, guest tyers, beginner to advanced public and private tying classes and even general fly tying jam sessions for people of all skill levels. 

We're kicking this all off with our first live event called "Tying and Fishing Midges" to go along with our January themed "Month of Midges". This is scheduled for Weds January 15th at 6pm MST/ 8pm EST and will last approximately 90 minutes.

<<  The live session is, of course, over. But we have made a recording here for your viewing pleasure>>

If you wish to view the event live in "view mode" only, just click the link above. Easy.

If you  wish to participate a little more actively, we'll be doing a few live pattern tying demos, including a tie-along for those that have a webcam and want to participate with us live and in person ( in-person as you can get with a webcam). With this interactive mode, you can follow along, ask questions and we can see what you're tying at the same time.

Because we're limited to 8 tyers in the video conference room, it's a first-come and first-served basis on that. First, you will need a Google+ account and add me (Curtis Fry) to your circles: Then at the time of the event, go to my Google+ page,, and you will see the Google Hangout started. Click to join that event.

We highly recommend you have a high quality webcam with macro or close up capabilities in order to get the most out of the tie-along. Email us if you wish to be one of the 8 tyers in the interactive video conference. 

If you don't wish to join the interactive video conference or we run out of room in the conference room, no worries as you can enjoy the live streaming event on YouTube without joining up or even having a Google+ account. It will be 100% open to the public for viewing the live stream here.

If you have any questions, comment below!

Fly and Material List:
Gut Bomb:
Hook: C49S #6 - #12
Thread: Black & Hot Orange
Body: Stretch Flex or Scud Back 1/8"
Ribbing: Krystal Flash
Coating: Clear Cure Goo Hydro

Yong Special:
Hook: Anything really. #16 to #32
Body: Coats & Clark Summer Brown, Black uni 8/0 (for head)
Coating (optional): Clear Cure Goo

Hook: Light scud or emerger hook #18 to #24
Shuck/Tail: Hareline EZ Magic Dub, Black
Head: Rainy's Evazote Foam, Black

Parachute Emerger:
Hook: Curved shank, light wire (like a TMC 2488)
Shuck: Dun antron yarn
Body: Black thread ribbed with a lighter color thread (I prefer Uni 6/0 to rib the body)
Parachute: McFlylon or other types of poly yarn
Hackle: Grizzly, dun, or black

Bunny Midge:
Hook: Curved shank, light wire (like a TMC 2488)
Shuck: Midge flash (rootbeer)
Body: Black thread ribbed with a lighter color thread (I prefer Uni 6/0 to rib the body)
Wing: Snowshoe hare's foot fibers

Peacock King:
Hook: Straight dry fly hook
Shuck: Dun antron yarn
Body: Peacock herl
Hackle: Grizzly