Last Minute Streamers with Hawgfish

Hey bro... can you fish today.

Cheech showing off Hawg's Fish

I had been up basically all night finishing the last two finals of my life (yes for that fancy book learnin'), and around 11:00 when I woke up, there was a text from none other than Mr. Hawgfish himself.  Something to the effect of  "Hey bro, can you fish today?"  Well...  Yes. Yes I can, just as soon as I take care of some work emails...  Out the door after whipping up a few extra special morsels for the fish.  We only had a few hours to fish, but the conditions were excellent for hucking big meat at willing fish.  It's always fun to fish with people who are streamer fanatics because you can be sure that all of the good stuff int the river gets covered.  Couple of hookups and a ton of window shoppers later we had to head back to town, but it was just what I needed to celebrate not having to ever take a final exam again.  Thanks again Mr. Hawg.  preciate' ya bud.  If you all are interested in seeing obese fish on a regular basis, check out his Facebook page (Hawgfish) and his Instagram account (@hawgfish).

**  The above picture is Hawgfish's fish that he needed a good model to hold.  The fly is the (click for link) Mongrel Meat, destroying mongrels one at a time...