Peacock and Elk Hair Caddis

Lean Clean Fishing Machine

Peacock Elk Hair Caddis
Pete Steen's Peacock Elk Hair Caddis
Our buddy Pete Steen (@fly_fishing_pete) is back at it with another stellar caddis tie.

The dyed peacock body on this one paired with some sublime golden badger hackle makes for sick color combo.

A few notes on this pattern:

  • Mix and match the colors. Golden badger is a great hackle color, but brown, coachman brown, pale water dun, rusty brown and a number of others will work just as well. You can also swap out the brown peacock for olive to match your local caddis colors.
  • Note the method to tie in the elk hair. It's important to get a clean and secure tie-in on this style of fly. If you attempt to tie in too much hair with not enough tension, your hair will roll on you. See how Pete uses a multi-tie-off method for the hair.
  • Not all elk or deer hair is created equally. We usually find that Nature's Spirit has the best overall quality. We've got a good selection here.

Material List
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Hook: Firehole Sticks 419 Dry Fly - 14
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Wood Duck
Body: Nature's Spirit Bleached Dyed Peacock Sticks - Brown
Wing: Nature's Spirit Select Cow Elk - Natural
Hackle: Whiting Rooster Dry Fly - 1/2 Saddle - Bronze - Golden Badger

Other tools from the tutorial:
Stonfo Comb/Brush Tool
Renzetti Standard Hair Stacker
Stonfo Thread Splitter