Pheasant Tail X-Caddis

A Pheasantly pleasing X-Caddis

Delicious PT X-Caddis
Pete Steen returns for the final caddis in this current series (I'm sure there will be more, so no worries there).

Couple of things here: First off, the X-Caddis is a must-have pattern when it comes to caddis imitations. Secondly, pheasant tail on any pattern is like the secret sauce that fish can't resist. It's akin to Cheech and cotton candy as gas stations:  don't necessarily need it but it's pretty and so so tasty. Nom nom.

Anyhoo...enjoy this one!!!

Material List
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Hook: Fulling Mill 35050 Ultimate Dry Fly Hook, Barbless - 14
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Dark Brown
Shuck: Sparkle Emerger Yarn - Tan
Thorax: Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing - Cinnamon Caddis
Body: Nature's Spirit Ringneck Pheasant Center Tails - Natural
Ribbing: UTC Ultra Wire - Gold - X-Small
Wing: Nature's Spirit Select Cow Elk - Natural

Other tools from the tutorial:
Stonfo Comb/Brush Tool
Renzetti Standard Hair Stacker
Stonfo Thread Splitter