Iced Mocha Naked Stimi

A Great Stimi Variant!

Stimulator Variant
Tim's Iced Mocha Stimi
Our resident attractor pattern guru Tim Sickles is back with another great dry fly tutorial. Here's his take on this stimulator variant:

The "Iced Mocha" treatment on the abdomen originally came from an experiment to create a translucent type body on midges/chironomids. Because my default whenever I get tyer's block is to tie a Stimulator (or more accurately a Sofa Pillow), the next natural progression was for my to tie the "Iced Mocha Naked Stimi." The fly is a generic attractor with subtle flash from the Ice Blue tinsel. Eliminating the hackle of on the rear of the fly allows it to ride low in the water with the foam wing acting as a "life jacket" to help fly still ride partially above the water. With the rear of the fly riding below the surface, it could potentially imitate a variety of insects including an emerging mayfly or caddis, adult caddis or stonefly, or even a small hopper, ant, or beetle. In addition to the subtle flash from the tinsel, I chose Light Tan Dun for the hackle because is has a natural flash or brassiness when the sun hits it. Last thing I will say is that the iced mocha body not only works on the fish but always seems to catch the eye of the angler, as it has a very unique look. -- Tim S.

Material List
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Hook: Ahrex 511 Dry Fly Hook - 10
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Brown
Tail: Nature's Spirit Select Cow Elk - Brown
Body: Ice Blue Pearl Tinsel - Medium
Under Wing: Razor Foam - Translucent Dun
Wing: Nature's Spirit Select Cow Elk - Bleached
Head/Thorax: Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing - Brown
Hackle: Whiting Hebert Miner Hackle Cape - Bronze - Light Tan Dun

Other tools from the tutorial:
C&F Design Hackle Pliers
Loon UV Clear Fly Finish - Flow
Loon UV Infiniti Light