Mini Flopper

Downsizing a Favorite

Everyone loves a big uneducated fish that like to gorge on huge foam pool toys, but fish don't always have that big of an appetite.  Several years ago I created a fly called the Stoneflopper that would imitate both a hopper and a stonefly, and it quickly became a favorite fly of mine due to the wide range of colors in which it could be tied, but it was designed to be around size 6-10. Last summer I both simplified that original pattern, and made it smaller so it would mimic smaller terrestrials.  It still isn't a dead hatch-matching ringer for any bug specifically, but it has attracting powers that give it s starting spot on my team!  Feel free to mix up the colors on this one...  My favorites are cinnamon, black, tan, and purple.

~ Cheech

Material List
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Hook: Gamakatsu R18-B Multi-Purpose Hook - 12
Thread: MFC Premium Fly Tying Thread - Rusty Brown - 6/0
Body: Beaver Plus Dubbing - Orange
Wing: Whiting 4B Hen Cape - Black
Head: Fly Tying Foam - 2mm - Rootbeer
: EP Trigger Point Int'l Fibers - Quick Silver
: EP Trigger Point Int'l Fibers - UV Green
: Chicone's Crusher Legs - Brown Barred Clear - Micro

Other tools from the tutorial:
Tiemco TMC Ceramic Bobbin (Std)
Loon Ergo Quick Cut Whip Finisher
Renzetti Short Serrated Scissors