The Chimera gets an upgrade


Chimera updated
It's been quite a while since we gave the Chimera some love, so here's a nice little updated version.

I started tying and fishing this version last summer and it really still had the original Chimera magic going on. The only two components I swap out are the body material (pheasant tail swapped in for Ice Dub) and the hook (the wicked sharp Gamakastu R18B from the original Mustad CS49). From the success of fishing Frenchie style flies, I'm a pretty big fan of pheasant tail as a material in general and so the sub for Ice Dub seemed a good choice. And if you haven't used the R18 hook, it's about time you did. It's got mega penetration mojo and I haven't seen any increase in lost fish from it being barbless.

The other thing we've seen as people have fished this more over the years is that it does a great job in rivers just the same as it does in lakes. Again, it's more of an all-around attractor pattern that can help imitate a large variety of aquatic insects.
The Chimera getting some action

Material List
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Hook: Gamakatsu R18-B Multi-Purpose Hook - 12
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Black
Bead: Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Fl. Orange - 3/32" (2.3mm)
Melted Mono Eyes: Maxima Chameleon Leader Material - 25 lb
Tail: Whiting Red Label Hen Cape - Black
Ribbing: UTC Ultra Wire - Silver - Small (or brassie for #10 & up.)
Body: Nature's Spirit Ringneck Pheasant Center Tails - Muskrat Gray
Wing Case (base): Thin Skin - Black
Wing Case (stripe): Veevus Holographic Tinsel - Red - Medium
Thorax Dub: Ice Dub - UV Black

Other tools from the tutorial:
Stonfo Comb/Brush Tool
C&F Design Hackle Pliers
Stonfo Pinza Elite Hackle Pliers - Standard
Loon Fluorescing UV Clear Fly Finish
Loon UV Infiniti Light