GT Triple Double

The Swiss Army Knife of Dry Flies

If you have fished the Green River in Utah very much, this fly is king...  The end.  Not really the end, but this simple fly is one that I really didn't fish very much until recently, and now I have several rows of them in my dry fly box.  Designed by Green River guide Gordon Tharrett, I imagine that he wanted to come up with a simple fly that could cover a wide spectrum of hatches, and it does just that.  Last summer we were floating the Green River during a pretty intense caddis hatch, and it actually outperformed lots of my flies that (i thought) matched the hatch much better.  The GT Triple Double accounted for just as many fish as other patterns on that caddis hatch float, and they were the first flies that I tied the next day at the bench.  

Long story short, tie a bunch of these in varied colors and sizes and fill up a box!!

~ Cheech

Material List
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Hook: Daiichi 1180 - Standard Dry Fly Hook - 14
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Wood Duck
Hackle: Whiting Rooster Dry Fly Full Saddle - Pro Grade - Barred Med Ginger
Body: SLF Dave Whitlock Dubbing - Nymph Abdomen

Other tools from the tutorial:
Renzetti Master Vise
Hard As Hull Head Cement
Dr. Slick Razor Scissors - 4"
Tiemco Midge Whip Finisher