Henry's Fork Caddis

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Henry's Fork Caddis

So Brandon (aka Feather Flinger) ties up one of his favorite caddis patterns and a popular one at that: The Henry's Fork Caddis.

While Brandon uses some sprechly Speckled Badger hackle, we recommend the much-easier-to-get Hebert Miner in Light Tan Dun

This caddis floats flush on the water and has a great silhouette. Plus, with the super-floaty CDC from Henry's Fork Trout Hunter gang, this one's a winner!

Give it a try...

Material List
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Hook: TMC Tiemco 102Y Dry Hook - 13
Hook Option 1: Daiichi 1180 - Standard Dry Fly Hook - 14
Thread: Veevus Fly Tying Thread - Dark Tan - 16/0
Tail/Ribbing: Midge Flash - Rootbeer
Body: TroutHunter Professional Dubbing for Emergers & Nymphs - Rust
Thorax: Strung Peacock Herl
Under Wing: TroutHunter Premium CDC - Caddis Dun
Over Wing: Hareline #1 Hungarian Partridge Skin Natural
Over Wing (option): Hungarian Partridge Feathers - Natural
Hackle: Whiting Hebert Miner Hackle Cape - Bronze - Light Tan Dun

Other tools from the tutorial:

Hackle Pliers:C&F Design Hackle Pliers