The Purplish Dart

Red Dart Variation

Purplish Dart Euro Nymph
Although we don't have a video tutorial for this, you can refer to the Red Dart that Lance filmed a while back. See that below. We call it the "Purplish Dart", like the Red Dart, has a lot going on.

Specifically, we're featuring a few newer materials on this one. First is a cool new Squirrel dubbing from Nature's Spirit. We worked with them on the level of flash and squirrelyness for this dubbing. It comes in both flash and non flash but is infused with UV goodness. Because this dubbing is cut a little finer, we recommend using it in a dubbing loop or with dubbing wax.

Next is a new lineup of Coq De Leon tailing pack colors, including this tasty pink color here. So now you can tie up your favorite Euro style flies with a hot spot tail in one of the most versatile materials: Coq De Leon.

And finally, is a newer color of Brahma Hen cape, Medium Dun. The feathers are two toned, like most Brahma, going from a darker feather core to a lighter tip. The nice thing about the hen capes is that you can tie a wide variety of sizes. This one shown here is a #14.

Brahma Hen Cape - Medium Dun

New Squirrel Dub!!!

Anyway, give the new materials a try with this Red Dart variation. It's a fun one to tie!

Material List
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Hook: Hanak H 400 BL Jig Hook - 14
Bead: Hanak Metallic+ Slotted Tungsten Beads - Dark Violet - 3.0mm
Tail: Whiting Coq De Leon Tailing Packs - Badger Dyed Pink
Body: Nature's Spirit Flash UV Tracer Squirrel Dubbing - Purple
Ribbing: Mirage Tinsel - Opal - Small
Hackle: Whiting Brahma Hen Cape for Soft Hackles - Medium Dun
Thorax: Ice Dub - UV Hot Orange

Other tools from the tutorial:
Dubbing Wax
Stonfo Comb/Brush Tool

And the Red Dart... just sub out the materials as listed above...