Flexo Midge

Your Buddy's Secret Midge

I like simple and effective midge patterns, in fact, if a midge takes you more than 5 minutes to tie, you should maybe rethink the pattern to make it more simple.  Here is a super simple bug that can be tied in a wide variety of colors and sizes. To keep this post simple, I'm going to stop typing so you can watch the video.

Material List
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Hook: TMC 200R Hook - 20 - 25 Pack
Thread: SemperFli Nano Silk Ultra Fine 30D 18/0 - Olive
Bead: Killer Caddis Glass Beads - Midge - CC-Peacock Emerger
Body: Life-Flex Spandex Material - Olive
Thorax: SLF Prism Bug Dub - Gray